I purchased my start up kit last June but was working a full time job while setting up my home inventory business part time. I've retired and now spending more time on the Home Inventory Business...just about ready to get it off the ground. I received an email last week from someone searching my area fo...
How do you answer the, "How are you protecting my personal information?" question? I am setting up a booth at a Community Day event, and know that will be the main question.
Does any one have a script when it comes to answering their phone. For example, what things do you ask over the phone other than their name, address, etc...? sq. footage # of rooms other storage areas (garage,attic,unfinished basement,...) collections/collectibles Any help would be appreciated...
I've used NEBS (www.nebs.com) for several years for business checks, promotional materials, and more.
Along with VistaPrint items, here's some ideas for items you can use to build awareness of your business:
>> Business Card Magnets
I have a meeting with an agent on tuesday! he wants to know What insures that will will not come back a year later and rob the client??? Have any of you been asked this before?? i have several answers but would like to hear yours! Thanks kim
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