Thank you for the feedback on my question. Since this home inventory business and process is new to people in general they may not really know what they want as well, they coudl be lookingto us as the experts. Of course you need to ask the customer what they want too and without doing this first they could be sensitive about someone opening their cupboards and you spend too much time documenting low cost items.
Good feedback, you can spend a ton of time in the Kitchen which may not be necessary since many items are not of high value.
I think you'll be in good shape if you hit the high value items individually first by asking the client's opinion, then make group entries of some of the other lower value items to save time.
Keep in mind that each inventory is really custom to meet the needs of the client. Even though you may feel certain items are of lower value the client may feel always ask the client their opinion to ensure they are satisfied with the final product
Hi, Ron, I'm definitely not an expert on this yet, but I have asked this very question myself! The first few inventories I did I felt like I spent way too much time in the kitchen. Then Marshiel was nice enough to give me few pointers!
So, basically inventory as many things as a group as you can unless your customer wants everything in detail. Just ask them. Hopefully, the client will get things out of the cupboards ahead of time. Not everything, though, just things like the small appliance- skillets, blenders, mixers, choppers. Those things you can photograph as a group. Some cupboards I just open up and take a photo of it with the door open, like if they're misc. cups and stuff that aren't really expensive. I open utensil drawers and just take 1 or 2 photos of the contents and document them as misc. kitchen utensils. Plates/bowls if it's a matching set I just take a photo of one place setting. Mixing bowls, cookware, bakeware I think can be documented as groups.
Since I am new to this I am wondering what you might do in the kitchen of the client. Obvisously you would record and take pictures of major appliances. The question is around the contents within the cupboards. There are many dishes, bowls, pots and pans, etc. Could open cupboards take pictures and label as various kitchen utensils and ask the client to give an approximate value? Or do you ignore this unless the customer wants the contents documented?