I would include it in your notes for initial questions to ask prospective clients. I like to have a list by the phone so I don't forget anything. "Do you have any animals or pets of any kind?" It might sound like an "inventory-related" question and you can say so. No need to reveal anything personal.
I am curious about how other inventory specialists hand unusual situations. For example, how do you handle the situation when a client has a dangerous pet or a reptile for a pet?
I know we advise the client to keep the dog in another part of the house or somewhere safe. But if you have a real concern about other pets or you may have an alergy to an animal. How are these situations handled?
I have a daughter who is seriously afraid of snakes. While walking through the mall one time we saw a man with a little girl on his shulder. She had a large snake wrapped around her as they walked through a crowded mall. My daughter grabbed my arm and beat on me. My arm was bruised for a couple days. I don't know what she would do if I had come to a client's home as my assistant.
George A. Childs Owner
Quality Home Inventory Service, Inc. 24 Stockton Dr. New Castle, De. 19702