I've also developed a survey to help get a "profile" of The Home Inventory Service industry. The idea is to collect information about a bunch of businesses so we can compare ourselves.
If that link doesn't work, copy-and-paste this URL into your web browser. http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=863623
The survey will take about 3 minutes, and if you provide your e-mail address where it asks in the survey (or if you're signed up for my mailing list on the blog, you'll receive the results automatically).
I am starting out and would like to speak with some of the operators about your businesses, challenges, techniques and advice. I would prefer a phone conversation so I can get my questions answered quickly. I would estimate about a 15 minute conversation. If you are interested email me at pholzwart@sbcglobal.net or reply to this post. Thanks.