Very helpful thanks, I have a lot to learn. Its fun becoming involved in an up and coming industry but also challenging finding out the best way to do everything. Great forum.Id love to hear how others work as well. -Kathy
I think most people dont really travel around the house with ALL of their equipment. I would say most do it with a clip board, pan, and camera. Then do any scanning at the beginning or end. The rest of the laptop type stuff is completed at the office. Hope this helps. Erik
Thanks for getting back to me. I have a luggage bag which I currently use for my organizing business to transfer my laptop and files etc. from my car to the work area when Im working onsite. This works fine for the organizing because once I start up my laptop I usually stay in one spot. I wont be adding the inventory service for about a year (hopefully less), but Im trying to plan how Im going to move from room to room while actually taking inventory with a laptop thats running and a scanner attached, along with all of the other necessary equipment. Seems like a small utility or video production cart would be the way to go, but I havent been able to find a really lightweight, folding unit. How do you manage while you are actually working?
Anyone know of a sturdy but super lightweight folding utility cart with a power strip that will comfortably and securely hold laptop, scanner, camera, camcorder and lighting equipment etc. that can be used while actually taking inventory on jobs?They either seem too large, to heavy for transport, don't fold, or won't hold the equipment in a convenient way while working....or securely while moving from room to room.