Hi Connie, If you and others are operating under one company entity/name then you are all set and can use the business software on as many computers as you like.
If however you have a business ABC Home Inventory registered in Texas then you can't pass the business software along to a friend who has XYZ Home Inventory registered in Florida. You must all be working under one company to use the business software with unlimited license with one unlimited license purchase.
Please let me know if you need any further info and I'll be happy to help.
I'm just getting started with this business. I purchased the unlimited license, but I'm still a bit confused. I can put this on as many machines as I want, but you say it can't be shared with other people. I don't understand how that's supposed to work. As long as we all operate under the same name - even in other states - is this permissible? We will all be operating independently of each other but under one company umbrella.
Hello, Yes, the Unlimited License package for the Complete Home Journal Startup kit will allow you to install the business software on an unlimited number of computers.
A key point is that the license is for the business that purchases the software. You are not permitted to share the software with other people or businesses that did not purchase the license.
is the unlimited license really unlimited???? could i load the software into 20 computers if i wanted to ? sometimes unlimited things really do have limits on them.