Thanks for replying. I know it is hard to say how long for various types of inventories and homes and so forth, too many variables. I really appreciate your thoughts.
Maybe you can let me know an average week? Do you do this full time? How many do you tend to do in a weeks time? I apologize for trying to get more specific but I just need to have some good insight into various parts of this business. If you knew me, I'm a very careful and cautious person and like to know what's going to happen. Sometimes that's good....sometimes not.
Anyway JD, I thank you for anything you can sling my way, I'm sure you've been in my place and remember what it was like when you first started out.....especially without Fred's software and kit! Right? I say that because I have been thinking about doing this for at least 3 years and looked for something like what he is offering and didn't find it until a few months ago. That was all I needed, I had everything else. Now I'm ready to go!
Thanks for responding. I have already asked a few people I know if I could do their home and in return they can "contribute" monetarily and also for feedback and perhaps even a "rave review" or "testimonial".
At the same time I will get some much needed "hands on" & "trial and error" to help me do things the same or differently in future inventories.
Once again Hank I appreciate your time in replying to this post and look forward to possibly talking again in the future.
The time it takes to do an inventory varies. You are right that in the beginning it will take longer and as you do more inventories and gain experience, you will get faster.
I've been doing inventories since 2003, long before I purchased the software in 2006 or 7 and I really can't answer your question as I've done many four and five bedroom homes that took less time then a two bedroom. It all depends on how much stuff they have and want inventoried.
I really went round and round on my pricing. I started with square footage, and then went to by-the-hour. It was a lot of work/time just figuring out the square footage and price, plus you can't really give an estimate by the hour as per the above. I wanted something simple, so I finally decided to charge by the number of bedrooms and allocated one hour per bedroom for the entire inventory. I also make sure they understand that if the inventory takes longer then the time allowed by the number of bedrooms, I charge a by-the-hour price for the extra time. This is easy for the client to understand and figure out for themselves without a lot of explanation. So far, it seems to be the best way for me. Most of the time, I finish the inventory within the allotted time, unless they really have a lot of stuff.
I know I really didn't answer your question, but I hope this helps. If you haven't already done so, please check my price list which will give you more information and a better idea on how I price my inventories. My web site is listed below in the signature line.
in order to determine how much time it takes, you may want to do some 'practice' inventories for some folks who could also help to promote you; your insurance agent, a popular realtor, attorney and include a few different sized homes. Do it for free or at a discounted price. this way you have first hand knowledge. plus you may discover some things you did not expect, correct some op errors and gain some confidence in organization and execution..hope this $ .02
Just starting out here, in fact ordered kit but haven't received yet. I was wondering if anyone could possibly give me an idea of about how long it takes you to inventory a certain size house. Has anyone kind of kept track of this, perhaps to at least know an average? Like for 2,000 sq ft approx. 3 hours, etc;.
I have seen on other company's websites how much they charge for so much sq ft and for so many hours. But what I would like to really know is reality.
Maybe breaking it down to so much time "on site", so much time "in office" know. These are some of the things I keep track of with my clients at present (realtor). I use an excel spreadsheet.
I know that after a while you do become more proficient and faster so if anyone can tell me how long it use to take them and perhaps now.
I am a big time planner and so I just would like to not be caught off guard with my schedule and other requirements of my time, you know what I mean?
Well thank you to all and I truly appreciate any amount of time you spend in answering my post!