Hello, Yes, the client may install the Protection Plus on more than one computer. Regarding your question about having everything inventoried, its better to have a grand total with no values missing. Most people don't know the value of everything but you can make an estimate (and in the notes just say 'estimated value') As you gain more experience you'll be able to coach the client on values they may not recall. For example, if they don't remember how much a couch costs then you can suggest $800 if upolstered or $1200 if leather etc...
Many business owners build a simple list of items and current values from local stores to use in such a situation.
You can turn off the appraisal printing on the inventory reports by choosing Custom reports from the reports menu and choosing the option at the bottom. First ensure you have the latest update to the software by visiting http://download.homejournalbusiness.com
To save time, I suggest that you have a base set of rooms and categories setup prior to visiting the client then you can make any adjustments while on site. Most find the best way to approach the inventory is room by room.
Hi there, I am finishing up my first inventory and I have a couple of questions.
Is the client allowed to install the Protection Plus Software on more than one personal computer?
Has anyone ever had a value for everything inventoried? My client didn't, so the reports grand totals don't have the correct information only partial totals. Is there a way to turn that feature off?
When will there be a new release of the software? Entering the data is the most time consuming thing. Anything that can speed up this process will be greatly appreciated. If anyone has some ideas that they can share with me for speeding up the input, please share.