You do not need any Microsoft programs to utilize the business software. If you do not see any files after exporting, just look for the 'compatibility files' icon in the toolbar of windows explorer to show hidden files. Also, the export button is to extract the raw data, if you just want the export the reports themselves (which is most common) you just create a report then while viewing it in the preview window, click the small envelope icon, choose the options for disk file and PDF to extract an entire report to PDF file which you can then copy to a CD or USB drive for your client.
I had the same issue with the program and not finding the export file. For some reason you have to go under the name of the company that made the software from my computer and find the file there. Its annoying but its a bug on Windows 7. I am not sure about your Microsoft Word Problem. It may be that the software is just very old. BTW I love the look of your website. What company did you use?
For some reason or other, my Microsoft programs no longer work on this laptop (Win. 7). I can open documents from another source, but am unable to save or make changes to anything. All of my documents from word only show a blank page and to try and open them, I get a pop-up asking to search the internet for the information.
I have successfully downloaded the software onto my laptop, can save information and photo's, I can even print reports. I can not export anything. My program saved on my hard drive under Program Files (x86), Innovative Software, Complete H J B. Open that file and all I find is "emptyarchive.mdb"
On my other laptop (XP), when I try and export I get a pop-up that says the path "K" does not exist. I can find a file that I think I can copy from. I will have to do a sample inventory to check it out.
I have not contacted microsoft yet, but am afraid that I will have to buy a new office program. Do you think the loss of my microsoft program will cause my issues?