I think this is a difficult time of year to stay motivated but as George mentioned it is also an excellent time to promote the service. As far at motivation goes, I am the type of person who just needed to jump right in with both feet. I am somewhat fortunate in that I was able to move from full time to part time at work which helps with starting the business and being with my kids more and keeping them out of daycare. I've made an initial investment of around $2000 which includes the HJ software, an upgrade in camera and printer, marketing materials, membership dues, ect. Is that scary to me at times, sure, but I also did it with the confidence that I will be able to make that money up fairly quick based on feedback from my insurance agent and accountant. I don't think I would have taken the plung without their support. I don't know that it will all pan out in the end but I have to have confidence that it will or I won't be able to sell it to anyone. I think a big part for me is knowing my limits (i.e. I am NOT a salesman) and then enlisting the help of my family and friends to make up the difference. I have two friends who can sell anything and they are already pitching the service to people they know so when I officially open the doors at the end of the month I should already have a few solid leads, not to mention my own insurance agent will be passing my information along to all of her own clients. Trust me I debated this type of service for years, long before the software was available and NAHIP was around so I know how it goes. But I'm glad that I have at least taken the chance on this and know that either way I won't regret it. The thrill of the unknown is what makes being an entrepreneur so fun for me!!
Now that the holidays are past, it is time to remind your customers to update their inventories to include those Christmas gifts they received.
Make it your goal to get out and make at least two positive contacts per day. These may be people who will refer customers to you or allow you to place your brochures in their office. It takes an effort to get people to open their doors to you in the cold winter months. I know you have had more snow in your area than I have. Fortunately, here in Delaware we have had a mild winter so far.
As with your New Year's Resolutions, make an effort to keep them going. You can do it when you put your mind to it. Hang in there.
Good luck!
George A. Childs Owner
Quality Home Inventory Service, Inc. 24 Stockton Dr. New Castle, De. 19702
Thanks for contacting me. I may not be the inspiration you need. I haven't done much lately. I did give an update recently and posted it here. But since then, nothing. At the first of the year I plan to meet with all of the insurance agents who are members of the Winthrop Chamber and see if I can get my brochures in their offices. I think this is the best way to make the connection. Person-to-person education is the key, IMHO.
I want to encourage agents to work on their rental insurance numbers because they can co-sell me. With the recent fires and explosions in the area, the rental insurance market should be ripe for the picking.
Life has its ups and downs. Do what you can. Don't beat yourself up.
Hello All, I know I have been really quiet recently. I would like to ask for some help on motivation. I have been really busy and then the holidays kicked in. Now I am having trouble getting excited about this business again. Could some of you share some success stories? Tell us how much time you are spending? Any profits (if you dont mind sharing ballparks)? What is working for marketing what is not? Any kind of motivation you dont mind sharing. I love this idea but cant get motivated again. Before everything in my personal life got so busy I was having a hard time getting customers. Any help would be appreciated. Kelly, I think you are from Boston I would really like to hear from you if you are out there. I am from CT so your experiences would be helpful. You can send me private messages if you would feel more comfortable but I think open posts help everyone. Thanks in advance, Erik