It is great to hear that your business is going well! Regarding using the software for the scenario you described I have a suggestion that would help get the job done.
I also wanted to let you know that you can easily create any custom categories or locations by clicking the button in the lower left portion of your inventory screen. You can then type any custom items in the input box or choose one of the predefined ones from the list. This will help a great deal with organizing your items and make the reports look very professional. Just send a support request from the software website if you need assistance.
Regarding the scenario of having multiple people work on one home file there is a way to have multiple people working. Most people simply have one person taking pictures and another doing the entry... or just have one person doing both. Most often it is a team of 2 people max so this is not an issue.
In your case what you can do is have the business software installed on 2 or more computers (you would need the Unlimited License version of the software), create a new file for the client on all computers using the same unique name plus a number such as "Hospital1", "Hospital2" etc.... Each of you can then add your custom locations and categories and divide the space how you see fit to conduct the inventory. Each person would work on their assigned space until the inventory is done.
Next you can use the new features of the software to have your helpers "archive" client data for their section from their computer, it will extract the data and it can be copied to another location such as a hard drive or CD. All you would need to do is do a "restore" of your partners files and you would have all of them on one computer to keep organized. Next you would generate the reports for each section/file which can then be put together in a binder or exported to PDF. The only one extra task you would need to do is put together one grand total page which includes a couple totals for all.
OK, the software is good, but it has a severe limitation that is slowing me down significantly.
I've gotten a few large inventory jobs, and a recurring one for the local hospital system- we take the inventory with digital video, photo, and audio, then transcribe it all into the software. My problem is this:
Only one person can input this info at a time. There needs to be a way to INPUT information from one pc into an inventory report underway on another. For example: I can be at one pc inputing info on the office and waiting room, while my assistant can input info from the exam rooms on another pc, and we can then email or file transfer one part into the other. Without the ability to do this, the job is taking far too long to complete. We end up hotseating, taking turns, and I am paying her to stand there 1/2 the time. Not cool.
Also, for each item entered, we can use a pre-written option or add in whatever the item is. Thats terrific. But then right under it in the pull down menu for catagory, we do not have that option. For medical offices, almost everything I enter is under the "miscellaneous" catagory. I need to be able to add in my own catagories.
Lastly, when a new item type or catagory (I pray it to be) is entered, it needs to be saved. That way I don't have to type Ophthalmoscope as a new item for 10 straight exam rooms. Chances are, I'm going to misspell that at least once.
If this doesn't make sense, please contact me at: