Nice to see this allert.I almost wasted my money on this scam although it's pretty transparent.His game is"charge $350.00 to as many people as possible to certify you,you'll be good for 6 years.He takes 50% of your charge to your customer plus a $50.00 referal fee.I talked to him at lengt,his name is Mark Denison,he operates out of Boynton Beach.In fact here is his address:
Hicaa: Mark Denison Tell: 561-767 2061 113 NE 3rd Ave Boynton Beach,Florida 33435
I told him I would like to take a ride up to see him and meet face to face. Well so far he has been to busy to meet and will call me.That was two weeks ago. Now I know why. Let's see charge 1000 people $350.00,that's $350000,not a bad payday.... However I liked the business concept,decided to do some research and wound up with this Company.I haven't purchased yet,but I love everything I've seen and read so far. What I would like to know is,is anybody making any money yet?And what has been there best aproach as far as marketing. I am new to this business so I can use all the help I can get!
Same story different names, but identical companies. Happened to me about 4 dys ago when I responded to an ad posted by Vegas, NV (which they advertiser is 75% scamers), Agreement form w/50% to the advertiser as the owner. I visited the given link HICA: they offered only $50.00 to pay after each referral. A few days later offered me Financing payment, but both have the same emails & phone #-s, and I never registered yet with anyone, than I knew they try to screw me. I start research by BBB no results, google gave little more, still not enough, than I find, and I decided to share with all of you.
Thank you for choosing a working relationship with our company as a Home Inventory Service Provider. To go to the Independent Contractor Agreement go to:
Respectfully, Customer Service
We received your registration to become a Certified Home Inventory Provider however we did not receive your payment. If you have already made a payment, please email us the receipt. We understand the hard economic times so Financing is Now Available.